For this entry, I would share some useful info regarding the mission thingy. Some basic useful info that's worth to take note of and to plan ahead. Transportation, accomodation & makan-makan halal. The guide would be more or less the same between countries and so to avoid repetition, these things would probably not be included in each-country entry theeheehee
TRANSPORTATION. Travel within EU countries ni lebih murah if you guys travel by air sebenarnya. Dublin to Manchester could be as low as €20 tau. Lucky enough, some tix could be less than €10 during promo. *jaw-dropping yaw* How can it be that cheap mehh? I hear you ask heheh. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah and thanks to RyanAir
for providing such cheap flights. Equivalent to AirAsia. So, if you guys
are looking for a cheap flight to fly back-and-forth within EU maaf, RyanAir is only for those yang berada within EU countries jela ye this would be the most visited website for your Europe tour plan ok. 1-2 months before travel date dah boleh start usha for the prices :)
Other than that, you could opt for train especially for countries yang tak di-cover by RyanAir. Mana-mana yang gayat takut naik flight tu boleh opt for this hehe. But it is expensive yaw. Milan to Venice costs €40. Now you see what I meant by travel by air is cheap, kan? But wait!! You could still find a worth offer lah. This is where Eurail comes to the rescue. You could find few good offers from the website. Choose either the Select Pass if you're going to less than 5 countries or the Global Pass for an access to the whole EU yeah I know. cliche advertising kan? tapi betul.. wa tarak tipu sama lu olang punya haha. A bit tedious sebab kena cari route especially yang doesn't need reservation but just install Eurail apps je :)
Other transports untuk bergerak such as from your hotel ke tempat-tempat menarik tu macam biaselah, naik je bas or train and tram or jalan kaki. Would only cost few bucks je. Try to look for group option if you guys travel in group, normally min 5 person. Biasanye dapat murah lah sikit compared to individual tix.
ACCOMODATION. No need to talk much. Just a google-ing activities would help. Tons and tons of websites to be looked at haha. We booked from RyanAirHotels, Olotels and Airbnb. Advice, book early if you wanna get the most cheapest accommodation.
MAKANAN HALAL. Nothing much either. Hmm try to look around. Or smartphone users can use apps such as InsyaAllah you would find few shops and restaurants that sell kebab. That's all you can feed yourself with. Nak nasi lemak daun pisang memang takde lah kan If you're lucky, maybe you could find any Malaysian restaurant nearby :) Other option, bawaklah few packets of mee segera or just buy some raw ingredients and then masaklah sendiri. Fresh bread dorg pn insyaAllah halalal toyyiban. Tapi tengok-tengoklah jugak ye dekat bahan-bahan dia sebab some of them might contain alcohol.
Some useful websites:
RyanAir - cheap flights
Eurail - train pass
RyanAirHotel - cheap accommodation
Olotels - cheap accommodation
Airbnb - cheap accommodation
That's all.
Praise be to Allah.
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