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Monday, May 27, 2013

:: Penangguhan JPA & PTPTN ::

Assalamualaikum, hello there...

It's been time to pray extra hard than before. Yup it's approaching. Soon. Keputusan MARA akan diumumkan, insyaAllah akhir Mei. Which is someday in this week! Ya Allah..semoga hasratku tercapai dan diberi peluang keemasan ini..insyaAllah..Aminn ya rabbal alamin :) 

So in the mean time, it's about time to give away another useful info hehehe. Hope it helps some clueless people out there :) Kali ini aku akan update pasal penangguhan kontrak atau pinjaman iaitu JPA & PTPTN. For sure ramai yang still terikat dengan these things, rite? Tapi untuk yang bukan JPA & PTPTN, sorry aku kurang arif lah..but they might be the same though. So feel free to take it as a guide.

Untuk yang ada buat pinjaman dengan PTPTN dan nak tangguh bayaran balik, prosesnya agak mudah if nak compare dengan JPA. Sebab korang just kena sediakan hanya beberapa dokumen. Just make sure korang dah ada offer letter dari universiti, tulis surat rasmi untuk inform yang korang nak tangguh and lastly, isi form. Offer letter tu kira sebagai bukti lah. Then surat tu karang je sesedap rasa. If tak reti jugak and nak tengok contoh, sila email ye. As for the form, it would be available if you search in the website or just google it okay. Semua ni by pos ye. Ke alamat PTPTN. Time aku ni dorg belum guna khidmat email2 lagiSo, that's it! Lepas tu tunggu jela berita dari PTPTN. Paling lama nak proses dorg cakap dalam sebulan. But it's better for you guys to call them bila dah pos untuk pastikan dorg dah terima & start proses permohonan tu.

Then korang akan dapat surat kebenaran/penolakan dari PTPTN. In my case, as for now I only got a letter mentioning that the application is accepted but it can't be processed yet. Sebab jadual bayaran balik belum dijana, yang biasanya akan dijana slps 6 bulan tamat belajar. So kena tunggu 6 bulan tu & apply lagi skali. Bila dah sampai step tu insyaAllah i'll update again ye. Walaupun time apply tu maybe dah selamat further hehehe.

Ok now, untuk JPA pulak. A bit tedious than PTPTN. Mula-mula kena lapor diri. Yela, dah nama pun ada kontrak perkhidmatan kan. Lapor diri boleh thru online and manual. Both are quite the same, actually. Then dah lapor diri baru boleh proceed apply penangguhan. Guna point-form la ye senang sikit.

1.  Apply jobs to SPA -online- sebab slip tu diperlukan untuk lapor diri JPA.
2. Isi/update maklumat peribadi, pengajian, etc. website JPA-something called Modul Pemantauan Pelajar. If tak boleh or ada masalah, you're welcomed to do it manually. Either by email/hand/post/fax to the person in charge.

Pos/email kan these few documents which are: 
  • Surat rasmi penangguhan
  • Offer letter from university
  • Surat sokongan daripada penjamin
  • Borang J5 - borang permohonan penangguhan
It is advisable that korang contact JPA as soon as korang dah pos/email sebab dorg might be busy. Kadang-kadang the staff in charge takde, pergi kursus lah. So just to make sure your application isn't KIV-ed. Then if everything settled, you'll get a reply and copies of new Perjanjian Tambahan. Lebih kurang sama macam perjanjian time pinjaman dulu. Kena sign saksi, matikan setem hasil, etc. These are serious matters! Dengan government la katekan hehe. But no worries, at this rate insyaAllah you'll be guided by the staff. Bila dah submit balik perjanjian tu, THE END. Yeay! InsyaAllah you'll be given sufficient time to postpone your service. Tapi lepas dah habis further tu, bawak-bawaklah lapor diri kembali berbakti kepada negara ye :) 

~ yang pink tu lah Perjanjian Tambahan ~

Sekian. Tu jela proses dan prosedur nya. Sounds simple? Wait until you deal with them yourself. Boleh tahan pening jugak lah especially if korang tak dapat contact the staffs hahaha. These steps are what I've gone through. In the year 2013. Tahun-tahun lain mungkin berlainan. So without being 100% following this guide, you should directly contact the staffs both JPA & PTPTN in case the requirements are different. Because sorry, I won't & shouldn't be held responsible if problem occurs thehehe :)

All the best!
Sorry for the un-Italic words.

Monday, May 13, 2013

:: Psychometric Test MARA ::

Assalamualaikum, hello there...

As how much as I hoped for hints for the test, hopefully this would be beneficial. So, it's time to talk more details about MARA huh.. Yup, the so-called nerve-wrecking Psychometric Test. Untuk program Pasca Siswazah 2013. Well, I got an invitation to sit for this test last month. 30th of April 2013 to be exact. 

~ the details from Semakan Online ~

How was it? Hmm...it was so-so lah. The questions weren't that tough. If you ask me whether or not you have to prepare beforehand, I would say...it probably won't give you any advantage unless you know which consultant company did MARA referred to thehehe. The test generally comprises of 3 sections. A: 50 MCQs in English - B: 50 MCQs in Bahasa Melayu - C: 50-words length of Essay (was asked in English). And oh! Only 1 hour was given to answer all!

Still wondering how the questions were? Nah, silakanlah baca sampai habis ye. Sorry sebab panjang sangat. Just bear with it, ok :)

Rasanye this test is designed to evaluate your..everything?? Sebab MrGoogle bgtau yang ada some employers guna this to substitute interview session. So, it might test your IQ, personality, attitude, leadership, etc. And as for MARA, YES.. I could feel that I was tested on these things. Examples are as follows:

Logical thinking
> If ABCD=2143, what is D9EJ?
Teka-teki pun ada..
> Encik Ali, bapa Siti, ada 4 org anak. Nana, Nini, Nono. Apakah nama anak ke-4?
> A good leader is ______.
(among choices: people-centric/work-centric/principles-centric. no right/wrong answers. it depends on your preference)
> An entrepreneur is responsible for ________.
> Apakah yang anda lakukan jika ternampak budak membuang sampah merata-rata?
Problem Solving
> Apakah yang perlu dilakukan terhadap gadis yang mengandung anak luar nikah?
Simple Maths
> 10,000 plus 500, add another 500, minus 20, times 5, minus 1,000 and add 10 is _____?
General Issues 
> Apakah punca utama perceraian? (also depends on your own priority)
General Knowledge
> Bagaimanakah cara untuk mengubah saiz windows pada desktop?
*NEW INFO!! Abstract reasoning

> How did you see yourself in the next 5 years?

See! They aren't as tough as you thought they would be, rite? 70% daripadanya simple je. Tapi tak dinafikan, ada jugak lah soalan yang mencabar. Undeniable. That 30% lah. But mostly, they are just about you being yourself. That's how they judge you. Some questions might look the same. Are they testing on your consistency? Maybe. As well as your tahap kepekaan jugak.

Piece of advise? Answer as fast as you can. There's no time to even bite your nails or to look pretty/handsome hahaha. Seriously. Kalau tak dapat jawab, better skip je dulu then come back to it later. Ramai yang suggest jawab yang BM dulu sebab lebih senang. But if you understand English better than BM, maybe you should go for English dulu kot. Whichever yang menyenangkan lah. As for the essay, takyah bgtau pn anda tau kan. You could do a draft beforehand. Rileks. Jangan gelabah sangat ok. You could bring a calculator. Just in case. Mana tau kot2 blank. tambah tolak pun boleh salah nanti thehehe. I asked a friend whom went for program Lepasan SPM 2013. The questions are more or less the same. I mean, the scope of the questions. They tested him on the same elements as well.

So, just be yourself. Don't try to look good by choosing the most angelic answers. You'll be busted somehow. Believe me :)

~ sekadar hiasan ~
Best of luck!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

:: Route to the Dream ::

Assalamualaikum, hello there...

As the title suggests, this entry is regarding steps to be taken to fulfill the my dream might be applicable and be of a little help to you as well. Things that you have to do if you're interested  to further up your study post-graduate, overseas. It may not applicable to those lepasan SPM since the route is a lot different, I guess. 

 Anyway, hope it helps. 

 1. Consult lecturers, university's agents, Mr. google, etc.  
note: studying overseas isn't easy. make yourself clear of your decision.
ask for their opinion about everything. the course, country, university, etc.

 2. Survey & apply to the university 
note: check all the requirement needed. passport, IELTS, full transcript, etc.

 3. Response from the university 
note: you'll get the Offer Letter -unconditional/conditional/provisional offer-

 4. Look for sponsor(s) 
note: be extra-alert for the application date, you don't want to miss it. believe me.
as for MARA, the scholarship programme opens on March every year.
self-sponsored? skip this step. ohh you're so lucky.

 5. Apply for postponement of previous study loan/contracts 
note: if applicable only. this includes PTPTN/JPA/MARA contracts during your undergraduates.

 6. Accept the offer 
note: fill in relevant acceptance form. payment of fees -by you yourself or sponsor(s)-

 7. Apply for a visa 
note: the process may take some times. follow requirements from the authority. 
lucky enough, some countries doesn't require a visa. :)

 8. Book for a flight ticket, look for accommodation, etc. 
note: you could also ask the sponsor/agent to help you in settling these matters.

 9. Congrats. Wait for your flight. Yeay!  
note: ok dah boleh la beli makanan, baju & stuffs yang ingin dibawa :)

 10. Don't forget to study hard! 
note: set your aims and goals there. so that your time & money spent there won't be a waste.
contribute to the world.

That's it. Quite a lot to do, huh? Hmm wait until you come to the details and requirements of each step. You'll get crazier more stresses hahaha. Nauzubillah. You should always remember that these steps might be different, depending on your choices of university or country or even sponsor. But no worries, take it slow. Provided you have plentiful of time :)

All the best!