Assalamualaikum, hello there...
It's been time to pray extra hard than before. Yup it's approaching. Soon. Keputusan MARA akan diumumkan, insyaAllah akhir Mei. Which is someday in this week! Ya Allah..semoga hasratku tercapai dan diberi peluang keemasan ini..insyaAllah..Aminn ya rabbal alamin :)
So in the mean time, it's about time to give away another useful info hehehe. Hope it helps some clueless people out there :) Kali ini aku akan update pasal penangguhan kontrak atau pinjaman iaitu JPA & PTPTN. For sure ramai yang still terikat dengan these things, rite? Tapi untuk yang bukan JPA & PTPTN, sorry aku kurang arif lah..but they might be the same though. So feel free to take it as a guide.
Untuk yang ada buat pinjaman dengan PTPTN dan nak tangguh bayaran balik, prosesnya agak mudah if nak compare dengan JPA. Sebab korang just kena sediakan hanya beberapa dokumen. Just make sure korang dah ada offer letter dari universiti, tulis surat rasmi untuk inform yang korang nak tangguh and lastly, isi form. Offer letter tu kira sebagai bukti lah. Then surat tu karang je sesedap rasa. If tak reti jugak and nak tengok contoh, sila email ye. As for the form, it would be available if you search in the website or just google it okay. Semua ni by pos ye. Ke alamat PTPTN. Time aku ni dorg belum guna khidmat email2 lagi. So, that's it! Lepas tu tunggu jela berita dari PTPTN. Paling lama nak proses dorg cakap dalam sebulan. But it's better for you guys to call them bila dah pos untuk pastikan dorg dah terima & start proses permohonan tu.
Then korang akan dapat surat kebenaran/penolakan dari PTPTN. In my case, as for now I only got a letter mentioning that the application is accepted but it can't be processed yet. Sebab jadual bayaran balik belum dijana, yang biasanya akan dijana slps 6 bulan tamat belajar. So kena tunggu 6 bulan tu & apply lagi skali. Bila dah sampai step tu insyaAllah i'll update again ye. Walaupun time apply tu maybe dah selamat further hehehe.
Ok now, untuk JPA pulak. A bit tedious than PTPTN. Mula-mula kena lapor diri. Yela, dah nama pun ada kontrak perkhidmatan kan. Lapor diri boleh thru online and manual. Both are quite the same, actually. Then dah lapor diri baru boleh proceed apply penangguhan. Guna point-form la ye senang sikit.
1. Apply jobs to SPA -online- sebab slip tu diperlukan untuk lapor diri JPA.
2. Isi/update maklumat peribadi, pengajian, etc. website JPA-something called Modul Pemantauan Pelajar. If tak boleh or ada masalah, you're welcomed to do it manually. Either by email/hand/post/fax to the person in charge.
1. Apply jobs to SPA -online- sebab slip tu diperlukan untuk lapor diri JPA.
2. Isi/update maklumat peribadi, pengajian, etc. website JPA-something called Modul Pemantauan Pelajar. If tak boleh or ada masalah, you're welcomed to do it manually. Either by email/hand/post/fax to the person in charge.
Pos/email kan these few documents which are:
- Surat rasmi penangguhan
- Offer letter from university
- Surat sokongan daripada penjamin
- Borang J5 - borang permohonan penangguhan
It is advisable that korang contact JPA as soon as korang dah pos/email sebab dorg might be busy. Kadang-kadang the staff in charge takde, pergi kursus lah. So just to make sure your application isn't KIV-ed. Then if everything settled, you'll get a reply and copies of new Perjanjian Tambahan. Lebih kurang sama macam perjanjian time pinjaman dulu. Kena sign saksi, matikan setem hasil, etc. These are serious matters! Dengan government la katekan hehe. But no worries, at this rate insyaAllah you'll be guided by the staff. Bila dah submit balik perjanjian tu, THE END. Yeay! InsyaAllah you'll be given sufficient time to postpone your service. Tapi lepas dah habis further tu, bawak-bawaklah lapor diri kembali berbakti kepada negara ye :)
~ yang pink tu lah Perjanjian Tambahan ~ |
Sekian. Tu jela proses dan prosedur nya. Sounds simple? Wait until you deal with them yourself. Boleh tahan pening jugak lah especially if korang tak dapat contact the staffs hahaha. These steps are what I've gone through. In the year 2013. Tahun-tahun lain mungkin berlainan. So without being 100% following this guide, you should directly contact the staffs both JPA & PTPTN in case the requirements are different. Because sorry, I won't & shouldn't be held responsible if problem occurs thehehe :)
All the best!
Sorry for the un-Italic words.